- AIRB - Advanced Internal Rating-Based
- ALM – Asset and Liability Management
- BaFin – Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
- BFG – Bank Guarantee Fund
- BGK - Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego; it is a Poland's only state-owned bank which primary business covers providing banking services for the public finance sector
- BRRD – Banking Recovery and Resolution Directive
- CATI - Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (survey)
- CEE – Central and Eastern Europe
- CET 1 - Core Tier 1 ratio, core equity capital ratio, calculated as: core funds after deductions / total risk exposure amount (from the end of March 2014, capital ratios are calculated in line with Basel III principles)
- C/I ratio – Cost to Income; calculated as: (overhead costs + amortisation) / total income (including net other operating income/costs)
- CNB – Czech National Bank
- CRD IV – Capital Requirement Directive, a part of regulatory package CRD IV / CRR, which forms a part of Basel III
- Cross-selling – a trade technique of selling a product or service combined with purchase of another product to an existing customer
- CRR – Capital Requirement Regulation, EU regulation
- ECB - European Central Bank
- EBI - European Investment Bank
- ESMA – European Securities and Markets Authority
- EURIBOR – Euro Interbank Offer Rate – a daily reference rate, published by the European Money Market Institute; European equivalent of LIBOR
- FTE – Full Time Equivalent
- GPW – Gross Domestic Product – a monetary measure of the value of all final goods and services produced in a country or region over a given period
- Guarantee de minimis - A form of security of a loan, which dedicates funds to guaranteeing the repayment of loans in case of non-timely repayment
- GUS – Polish Central Statistical Office
- IBNI – Incured but Not Idenified Losses
- ICAAP - Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
- IPO – Initial Public Offering, shares of stock in a company are sold to the general public on stock exchange market for the first time
- K1 – Large enterprises (annual sales exceeding PLN 500 million)
- K2 – Mid-sized enterprises (annual sales of PLN 30 – 500 million)
- K3 – Small enterprises (annual sales below PLN 30 million)
- PFSA - Polish Financial Supervision Authority (pol. KNF)
- KSF – Financial Stability Committee
- KUKE - Medium-term lending insured in Export Credit Insurance Corporation
- LIBOR - London Interbank Offered Rate – the reference rate of interest on deposits and loans in the interbank market in London. Libor rates are set for the following currencies: USD, EUR, CHF, GBP, JPY, for 1 day, 1 week, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year loans
- LtV ratio – Loan to Value ratio, expressing a relation between an amount of a loan and a value of its collateral (usually mortgage)
- M&A – Mergers and Acquisitions
- MBA studies – Executive Master of Business Administration postgraduate studies offered in Polish and addressed to working professionals with higher education who have several years of experience in business, mainly occupying middle and higher management positions
- MbO - Management by Objectives
- „Mieszkanie dla Młodych” program – „Flats for Youth”, the government’s support program for people up to 35 years old in the process of purchase of their first, new flat
- ML - Mortgage Loans - mortgage-secured products
- MPC - Monetary Policy Council
- NBP - National Bank of Poland
- NBS – National Bank of Slovakia
- Net interest margin – Net interest income / Average interest earning assets
- NFC – Near Field Communication - technology that allows to pay using mobile phones
- NFSR- Net Stable Funding Ratio
- NML - Non-Mortgage Loans - unsecured products or products with collateral other than mortgage
- NPL ratio - Non-Performing Loans ratio – a ratio of loans in default or close to being in default to total loans
- „On-the-job” learning - Learning of new skills during work, i.e. through participation in projects, workshops, etc.
- P/BV ratio - Price / Book value
- PD - Probability of Default
- P/E ratio – Price / Earnings
- PPS – purchasing power standards
- ROA net - Net profit attributable to owners of the Bank / average total assets
- ROE gross – Profit before income tax/ average total equity net of the year’s result
- ROE net – Net profit attributable to owners of the Bank / average total equity net of the year’s result
- RWA - Risk Weighted Assets
- RWD – Responsive Web Design – a technology enabling to adapt website layouts to the screen of a device displaying the content
- SME – Small and Medium Enterprises
- SoFFin – Germany's Financial Market Stabilisation Fund
- SREP Guideline - Guidelines on Supervisory Review and Evaluation
- Total income - Net interest income + Net fee and commission income + Dividend income + Net trading income + Gains less losses from investment securities, investments in subsidiaries and associates + The share in profits (losses) of joint ventures + Other operating income - Other operating expenses
- TREA - Total Risk Exposure Amount
- WIBOR – Warsaw Interbank Offered Rate; Polish equivalent of LIBOR
- WIG - Warsaw Stock Exchange Index
- WSE - Warsaw Stock Exchange
- ZBP - The Polish Bank Association