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Consolidated statement of changes in equity

Changes in equity from 1 January to 31 December 2017

Note Share capital Retained earnings Inne pozycje kapitału własnego Equity attributable to Owners of mBank S.A., tota Non-controlling
Total equity
Registered share capita Share premium Other supplementary capital Other reserve capital General banking risk reserve Profit from the previous years Profit for the current year attributable to Owners of mBank S.A.  Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations Valuation of available for sale financial assets Cash flows hedges Actuarial gains and losses relating to post- employment benefits
Equity as at 1 January 2017 169 121 3 381 975 4 944 689 97 887 1 131 453 3 312 950 (6 004) (3 068) (1 545) (3 702) 13 023 756 27 405 13 051 161
Total comprehensive income 16 1 091 530 477 171 461 (3 653) (3 066) 1 256 749 3 540 1 260 289
Dividends paid 44 (5 486) (5 486)
Transfer to General Risk Fund 22 300 (22 300)
Transfer to supplementary capital 2 782 628 (2 782 628)
Issue of shares 40 127 127 127
Change in the scope of consolidation/increase of share in consolidated company (23 273) (23 273)
Other changes 38 38 38
Stock option program for employees 4146 12 953 (4 253) 8 700 8 700
– value of services provided by the employees 8 700 8 700 8 700
– settlement of exercised options 12 953 (12 953)
Equity as at 31 December 2017 169 248 3 394 928 7 727 317 93 634 1 153 753 508 060 1 091 530 (5 527) 168 393 (5 198) (6 768) 14 289 370 2 186 14 291 556

Changes in equity from 1 January to 31 December 2016

Note Share capital Retained earnings Other components of equity Equity attributable to Owners of mBank S.A., total Non-controlling
Total equity
Registered share capital Share premium Other supplementary capital Other reserve capital General banking risk reserve Profit from the previous years Profit for the current year attributable to Owners of mBank S.A  Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations Valuation of available for sale financial assets Cash flows hedges Actuarial gains and losses relating to post- employment benefits
Equity as at 1 January 2016 168 956 3 366 802 4 883 602 103 972 1 095 453 2 190 755 (6 426) 442 354 859 (3 981) 12 242 346 32 618 12 274 964
Total comprehensive income 16 1 219 282 422 (445 422) (2 404) 279 772 157 2 942 775 099
Dividends paid (8 155) (8 155)
Transfer to General Risk Fund 36 000 (36 000)
Transfer to supplementary capital 61 087 (61 087)
Issue of shares 40 165 165 165
Stock option program for employees 41,46 15 173 (6 085) 9 088 9 088
– value of services provided by the employees 9 088 9 088 9 088
– settlement of exercised options 15 173 (15 173)
Equity as at 31 December 2016. 169 121 3 381 975 4 944 689 97 887 1 131 453 2 093 668 1 219 282 (6 004) (3 068) (1 545) (3 702) 13 023 756 27 405 13 051 161