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Goal No. 1: We want to understand, respect and share our client’s values…

Goal No. 1: We want to understand, respect and share our client's values. We want to be open. We want to think and feel like they do.

  • We maintain continuousdialogue with our clients
    •  Client’s friend. It is clients who create the best solutions
    • We are active in social media 24 hours a day
    • Poles like Messe ger, so we are there
    •  Tomo row belongs to wome . A series of seminars.
    • Face to face with entrepreneurs. Meetings, webinars, blog


  • We survey  customer satisfaction. NPS = 20.


  • Our product communication is reliable, clear and transparent
    • How do we simplify agreements ActionRenovation


  • We ensure best quality of contact and customer satisfaction in the complaintprocess
    • We prevent complaints
    •  Book of Quality Standards for Complaint Handling in the Corporate and Investment Banking Area (Księga Standardów Jakości Obsługi Reklamacji w Obszarze Bankowości Korporacyjnej i Inwestycyjnej)
  • We ensure security of clients and their data
    • “Be cautious online” (“Uważni w sieci”) campaign


  • We offer banking without borders
    •  Trusted Profile. We facilitate contact with the government
    • BLIK  You’re either like everybody else or you were born in ‘99” (“Albo jak wszyscy, albo jesteś ‘99”), “Card Battle” (“Starcie w karcie”). mBank’s offer for Generation Z
    • We are accessible for persons with disabilities
    • One Network (“Jedna Sieć”)

A. We maintain continuous dialogue with our clients

Along with mobility, dialogue with clients is one of the key elements of mBank’s mission: “To help, not to annoy, to delight. Anywhere”. “Client-centricity” is among our five ethical values, and “empathy towards clients” is a pillar of our business strategy until 2020. Consequently, we intentionally place clients in the centre of mBank’s actions and plans.

We know how to build and maintain satisfactory, sustainable relationships based on trust. To do this, it is necessary to be able to enter into actual dialogue with clients. For us, this translates into openness to the clients’ perspective, their opinions, ideas, and problems. Our solutions include forms of institutionalised dialogue, online communication solutions and cyclical meetings with individual client groups. Our philosophy in respect of client communication is also outlined here.

Client’s friend. It is clients who create the best solutions

The “Client’s friend” project is a response to our clients’ and employees’ willingness to help shape mBank. We collect their ideas, propositions of changes and suggestions regarding mBank’s offer. We analyse each request in order to identify the changes that they wish for the most. We do not reject any request without looking into it.

In 2017, we analysed over 5,000 clients’ ideas concerning cooperation with the bank and more than 11,000 opinions regarding the transactional system.

Clients inform us how they want their problems to be solved and which tools or products they would like to use. They suggest solutions they find most comfortable. This often gives rise to excellent, very concrete ideas, which we then implement. Following the implementation of a solution proposed by a given client or client group, we inform them about it.

They can bring forward their suggestions using the applications available in the transactional system and via each service channel (mLinia, outlets, mail, chat, video, audio) as well as on social media (Facebook, Twitter). To offer their ideas, they do not have to undergo identification – they do not even have to be our clients at all. Employees can submit their ideas, remarks and expectations in mBank’s intranet.


Face to face with entrepreneurs. Meetings, webinars, blog and book

  • Each month, employees of the Enterprises Department meet with entrepreneurs as part of the EYE to EYE (“OKO w OKO”) initiative. During the meetings, we discuss the needs, barriers and challenges that small companies face on a daily basis. This is a chance for us to obtain information on how this client group would like mBank’s services and products to be enhanced. As a result of these meetings, the following changes were introduced in 2017:
    • in the mobile application, we introduced the Task Centre, i.e. a planner for businessmen with reminders about recurring payments (e.g. ZUS transfers), which is included in the online banking dashboard. Thus, clients obtained access to reminders in the form of push notifications.
    • we launched a service consisting in accepting clients’ payments using the Planet Pay terminal. Thanks to the service, consumers may now easily and conveniently accept an agreement on provision of services in the transactional system.
    • we implemented a fully electronic process of applying for mobile as well as traditional portable terminals.
    • on FX mPlatform (mPlatforma Walutowa), we launched a service for exchanging currencies 24/7 for micro-enterprises, retail and Private Banking clients.
  • In 2017, we started a company blog, where we regularly post materials containing information which is useful for new and experienced entrepreneurs. It includes more than 80 articles and infographics. We explain step by step how to establish and run a company. More information can be found here.
  • We organised webinars, i.e. online seminars held by experts, dedicated to issues which are important to entrepreneurs. The formula allows them to ask questions live. The last webinar organised in 2017, which concerned changes to the ZUS transfer to be implemented in 2018, was watched by almost 124,000 persons.
  • We published a book for entrepreneurs entitled “First business” (“Pierwszy biznes”) in cooperation with “My Company Polska” magazine.

For start-ups: account bundled with an office.

Based on information on the needs of entrepreneurs, we have been running a joint project with the co-working network Business Link since 2016. We offer start-ups a bank account on preferential terms, bundled with access to a coworking office. More than 1,400 entrepreneurs who established quickly developing start-ups and thus need office space have already taken advantage of this offer.

In 2017, mBank’s Enterprises Department received, among others, four prizes in the International Business Awards competition, including one for mAccounting (“mKsięgowość”) and one for the Task Centre in the transactional system. mBank was also hailed as the Best Bank for Companies by Forbes and awarded in EFMA Accenture Innovation competition for developing a fully online process for establishing a company. Moreover, mBank received the Trustworthy Brand (“Marka Godna Zaufania”) title.

We survey client satisfaction

We listen to our clients actively. We strive to understand their expectations and difficulties and treat them as a source of information. Thanks to that, we can develop and implement solutions which really address the clients’ needs. At mBank, clients’ opinions lead to significant systemic or organisational changes, which positively translate into operational results.

Retail Clients’ Satisfaction Survey

We actively listen to our retail clients by engaging in the following actions:

  • We obtain feedback. We contact clients to ask for their opinions about service quality and the functioning of processes and products on an ongoing basis. This way, we ensure vast feedback.
  • We monitor clients’ comments and opinions on the internet – in forums and social media other than mBank’s website. We then base our remedial action on the obtained information.

Corporate Clients’ Satisfaction Survey

We actively listen to corporate clients by engaging in the following actions:

  • We carry out an annual comprehensive satisfaction survey among all corporate clients of mBank.
  • We regularly check corporate clients’ level of satisfaction as regards their cooperation with mLeasing and mFactoring.
  • We ask our clients about their satisfaction with processes and products on an ongoing basis.
  • We provide customer advisors with clients’ feedback directly after the completion of the survey so they can take necessary actions.


mSatysfakcja (“mSatifcation”) NPS = 20 in the retail area and NPS = 34 in the corporate area

At least once a year, we survey our corporate and retail clients’ satisfaction. Net Promoter Score (NPS), i.e. a recommendation indicator, is the key indicator which we focus on in satisfaction surveys.

We measure satisfaction among corporate and retail clients in two types of surveys that use this
indicator – a relationship-dedicated survey and a transaction-dedicated survey.


In the relationship-dedicated survey, we measure the NPS indicator in relation to the general assessment of the bank. In the case of retail clients, we select the sample so that it reflects the percentage share of individual client segments (mass clients, affluent clients, businesses, young clients). When surveying clients, we ask them how likely they are to recommend mBank (NPS), we request them to assess selected areas and their most recent experience with mBank’s services. After the survey, we do not contact the clients anymore. We use information gathered in this way for further analyses and for strategy development.

In 2017, mBank’s NPS in the relationship-dedicated survey for the retail area amounted to 20 (against NPS of 12 in 2016). Among corporate clients, NPS stood at 34 (NPS = 30 in 2016).

In the transactional survey, we gauge NPS after specific events in a given area, i.e. in the so-called touchpoints, such as meetings in outlets, contact with the call centre, completion of the credit application process, closed complaint, experience related to the use of the transactional system or mobile application. In the survey, we also ask clients about their willingness to recommend mBank’s services (NPS). In the case of negative assessment, we contact the clients in order to understand the reasons behind their dissatisfaction.

In 2017, we conducted two transactional surveys in different touchpoints in the retail banking area.

Within the scope of the mSatisfaction project, we additionally gauge customer satisfaction throughout the entire survey process.

As regards the corporate clients segment, the main objective of the project is to increase the usefulness of satisfaction surveys. We want their results to translate even more into remedial actions and measures enhancing our internal processes and products. The project also aims at promoting procustomer behaviours, i.e. listening to clients, among mBank’s employees.

From the point of view of building a business based on customer satisfaction, the key element of the mSatisfaction project in this area is the closed loop process.

“Closed loop”. What do we do with the customer satisfaction survey results?

The results of all surveys – the collected opinions, feedback, clients’ needs and expectations – help us understand what can be changed and optimised. In the subsequent cycle of the survey we assess whether the obtained results are complete, i.e. whether the information we gathered allows us to understand what requires improvement. The survey ends when we know exactly what and how we should change.

We ensure that the survey results are as comprehensive as possible:

  • We not only analyse statistics, but also scrutinise each questionnaire.
  • Relationship managers can view the results of the assessment in the application developed by TNS or in the CRM system, which allows them to conduct more detailed interviews and assist in finding a solution to identified problems. Getting back in touch with a client who filled in a survey is referred to as the closed loop process.
  • If the need arises, we contact corporate clients’ employees, e.g. product specialists, who were directly involved in the cooperation with mBank and in a particular issue.

The attention we dedicate to analysing business clients’ opinions is perceived positively by them. Therefore, with every year, the number of corporate clients willing to participate in the NPS survey increases.


Regular mystery shopping.

Mystery shopping is cyclically conducted in the outlets, mLine and the Online Expert channel. The auditors assess service quality in face-to-face conversations, acting as potential and actual clients. Sometimes, they also contact the call centre, write e-mails and use the Online Expert service to obtain information about the offer. After every audit, the level of compliance with mBank’s customer service standards is assessed. Moreover, when surveying customer satisfaction with our services, we employ less conventional methods, such as eye tracking (i.e. we check how clients read agreements) or ethnography.

B. Our product communication is reliable, clear and transparent

Since 2016, under our Action Renovation project, we have followed a new approach to formulating agreements. In accordance with the project principles, agreements signed with mBank must be comprehensible to clients as this lays the foundations for our long-standing relationships with them. The qualitative research conducted confirmed that the language used in the agreements was often too difficult, and the specialist banking terminology and rigid document structure discouraged clients from reading agreements carefully.

For this reason, we removed the unpopular paragraphs which hardly anybody read. Instead, we concentrated on explaining the principles of our products and on provisions which help clients find the content that is of particular interest to them. Hence, our new agreements do not include e.g. typical legal terms.

We have prepared new, simplified versions of 7 bank products.


How do we simplify agreements?

mBank’s new agreements have the form of a comprehensible table showing the terms and conditions of products. The agreements still contain necessary information, but we have removed difficult, specialist terms and paragraphs. The content of the new documents is divided into subjects providing answers to specific questions of our clients, e.g. when they will receive funds, what the repayment schedule and the interest rate are. Subsequent subpoints are highlighted in different colours, and details are presented in the form of a table. The formal specialist jargon has been limited to the necessary minimum. We explain the most important terms which clients may find difficult to understand, e.g. WIBOR or BOK.

In 2017, our clients who use Trusted Profile and selected company loans received new product rules, prepared in line with the assumptions of Action Renovation. Last year, we also simplified the following:

  • account agreements,
  • content of the letter sent to SME clients together with a debit card,
  • the debit card activation instruction.

The new form of agreements and documents received a very warm welcome from our clients. In surveys, they described the new agreements as transparent or rather transparent and none of the clients assessed them negatively.

C. We ensure best quality of contact and customer satisfaction in the complaint process

The research we have carried out indicates that the most satisfied clients are those who have never experienced any problems when using the bank’s services. This is why we focus on preventing reasons behind complaints.

How do we prevent complaints?

  • We analyse the potential risk of complaints when developing a new product and ensure that its construction is as user-friendly as possible;
  • We analyse reasons behind complaints filed by clients and improve other processes on the
    basis of the conclusions drawn;
  • We minimise the scale of complaints filed in emergency situations;
  • We build “client-centric” attitude among the bank’s employees.
Once a compliant has been filed, we try to satisfy the most important expectations of our client within the first contact, i.e. solve the problem and provide a clear answer in a friendly manner.
In 2017, we handled more than 50% of all complaints in up to one business day.

We also survey clients’ satisfaction with customer service during the complain process.


We obtain feedback on the complaint process

Upon solving a complaint, we send the respective client a questionnaire form with 5 questions about our process, e.g., how long it took us to handle the problem, whether the reply to the complaint was exhaustive and whether the problem was eliminated effectively. We also ask our clients for their comments and proposals for process optimisations.

The response rate is as much as 10%, which gives us access to over 1,200 client opinions monthly. Normally, the response rate for e-mail questionnaires is approximately 3%.
Thanks to the monitoring of results and the implementation of optimisation measures, 65% of clients give positive or even enthusiastic opinions about our bank.

In 2017, we improved more than 2,000 forms and complaint templates and communications regarding product sales in accordance with mKanon assumptions. As a result, 81% of clients confirmed that the language we used when responding to complaints was clear. Our employees use an algorithm which automatically verifies the communications prepared by them against mKanon.

A corporate banking client may lodge a complaint by phone, e-mail, in writing or in person at an mBank branch. The mBank CompanyNet system makes it possible to file complaints concerning products and services electronically. The complaints directly reach the respective branch which maintains a given client’s account. Via mBank CompanyNet, we inform the client that we have received their complaint and we indicate the employee who will handle the matter. Then, we also provide the client with our reply to the complaint using this channel. As in the case of retail clients, satisfaction with the complaint process is surveyed by mBank.

In the first half of 2017, we presented businesses and corporates with a new version of the system, designed in line with the newest user experience standards.

Book of Quality Standards for Complaint Handling in the Corporate and Investment Banking Area

We compiled the book and distributed it among mBank employees in 2017. It provides instructions on how we should communicate with corporate clients in matters regarding complaints. The innovation behind the book consists in replacing the official and complicated banking vocabulary with a simpler, clear and comprehensible language suitable for this client group. The book provides guidance on how to use mCanon to build empathic and equal relationships with corporate clients.

D. We ensure security of clients and their data

mBank did not report any complaints about personal data leaks in 2017.

We regularly update and upgrade the technological solutions that allow us to protect transaction systems, mobile applications, as well as other electronic resources against hostile attacks and unauthorised access. We monitor unusual behaviour, e.g. unusual card transactions, and perform internal checks and audits.

At the same time, we are aware that our clients also play a vital role in keeping them and their data secure. We run social and educational campaigns to make our clients aware of risks and teach them how to bank online safely. Our campaigns:


“Be cautious online” (“Uważni w sieci”) – the first social campaign run by a bank dedicated to online security. For the third time, we tried to teach internet users how to stay safe on the Internet. We used radio, TV and Internet advertising. The spots entitled “Be cautious! Be careful on the Internet!” presented the most common Internet threats, such as e-mails infected with viruses and dangerous WiFi networks. We encouraged the audience to visit our dedicated website It contains valuable advice, including an Online Security Code – a set of rules on how to use the Internet safely. The campaign has been run on a cyclical basis

E. We offer banking without borders

Thanks to mobility we are available to everyone and everywhere

We are a true icon of mobility – available to everyone and everywhere. Internet connection is all you need to use mBank. mBank is digital and mobile, which makes it a social innovator providing convenient access to banking regardless of where one lives. This model is our response to the risk of social exclusion of people living in less urbanized areas.

Digital banking has increased access to banking services for many people with disabilities. Since February 2014, our clients have been able to use a unique mobile application. We keep upgrading it taking into account the needs of our users, including those with different disabilities. We are aware that 4.8 million people in Poland need dedicated features to be able to use banking services.

We are continuously improving our services to make them ever more accessible and less time consuming. We develop and implement practical solutions to make the everyday life and business activities of our clients easier. This is why we not only provide everyone with user-friendly and convenient banking experience available from anywhere, but also offer our clients access to government services regarding matters that involve both banks and public authorities.


Trusted Profile. We are an access point to government services

In 2017, we enabled our clients to create a Trusted Profile in mBank’s Internet banking. A client who activates the Trusted Profile with the help of their bank can access government services without the need to apply for a special login and password.


60 thousand clients created a Trusted Profile within six months from the launch of the service.


In 2017, we worked on using the Trusted Profile to create a fully electronic company set-up process. Since February 2018, our clients have been able to set up a business, open a bank account and create a Trusted Profile using one online application form. The process is fully integrated with the Central Registration and Information on Business (CEIDG) and the E-PUAP e-government platform providing company owners with a single point of access to the majority of government services without leaving home. Support of a professional accountant is another service that our clients can select when submitting the application form. In addition, we offer intuitive accounting software and PLN 500 to those who start a business.


Applying for 500+ child benefit via mBank’s Internet banking

Available from anywhere, the Internet banking platform of mBank was used by thousands of families to apply for the 500+ child benefit in 2016 in a convenient and easy way. The application form can be submitted via mBank’s Internet banking upon logging in.

We significantly simplified the form and added interactive sections to it in 2017 to make it easier to complete. We have amended the form to enable visually impaired people to submit it without others’ help. mBank sends the applications to the Emp@tia government system, where they are processed. The option to apply for the child benefit via mBank’s Internet banking was introduced as a result of an agreement signed by mBank and the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy concerning the “Family 500+” programme.

More than 100 thousand clients have applied for the benefit via mBank’s platform since 1 August 2017, i.e. the starting date of the current benefit period.

We launched one-click online payments by BLIK in 2017.


BLIK. One-click online payments

Users of mBank’s mobile application can now make payments without having to enter a BLIK code. To use this option, the client has to save the Internet browser or website which they use to make online purchases at the time of making a BLIK payment. When they make a payment again, they will receive a notification on their mobile device asking them to confirm the transaction. Once confirmed, the payment is executed.

We are the first-choice bank for the young. We help the young to learn the world of banking.

According to a 2017 GFK study, mBank was the first-choice bank for people aged 17-24 thinking of opening a bank account. What makes us so popular with the young are our exceptional solutions that are our response to their needs and way of thinking. Thanks to this, we reported two-digit growth in this client group in 2017. mBank plans to acquire 500 thousand new clients belonging to the Generation Z (aged 13-24) by 2020.


You’re either like everybody else or you were born in ‘99. mBank’s offer for Generation Z

In 2017, we launched a campaign directed at young people who turned 18 in 2017 under the motto: “You’re either like everybody else or you were born in ‘99”. We prepared a TV spot containing elements and experiences characteristic of young people born in 1999 (e.g. Tamagotchi, junior high schools, old mobile phones). Everybody was able to personalise the spot on Facebook by adding their own photos. Those who did received a special “Born in 1999” T-shirt

Young people share one common feature: they have no or little money, but their consumption needs are enormous. Our offer for young clients includes special accounts and discounts on cinema tickets and purchases in online shops as well as a unique payment card with a personal touch.

We reached all Facebook profiles of people born in 1999 as part of the campaign. The campaign received 17 thousand reactions in the social media, all of which were positive; we sent a total of 12 thousand T-shirts.


Card Battle. Young people sent us 60 thousand personalised card designs

People aged 18-24 who open an account with mBank get a PLN 100 bonus. In the “Card Battle” (“Starcie w karcie”) competition, they could win an additional PLN 500 and take part in a video of a popular youtuber. All they needed to do was to design a personalised payment card. Almost 90% of young people who open an “eKonto m” select a debit card with their own photo. We cooperated with the YouTube personalities Ajgor and Blowek. In a competition called “Card Battle” they promoted payment cards among young people and asked them to design personalised cards and join Ajgor’s or Blowek’s teams. More people joined Blowek’s team. 12 cards designed by the winners were included in mBank’s card template gallery.

As part of the “Card Battle”:

  • we reached 92% of people aged 18-24 in all social media channels;
  • we received 60 thousand card designs from nearly 20 thousand clients;
  • the competition got 180 thousand reactions in the social media.

We are accessible to persons with disabilities

We have changed our branches and the way we communicate with our clients to suit the needs of people with disabilities.

Since 2016, our clients have been able to choose the form of contact that they find the most convenient, depending on the type of their disability. They can submit instructions via Internet banking, mLine (automated service and consultants available round the clock), in branches or by using the services of our online experts. Online experts are available on chat and via voice and video calls, including communication in sign language.

may use our Internet banking to have an online video chat with a bank expert who knows the Polish sign language or use translation services available in every outlet. The communication is supported by an online translator from the Polish Association of the Deaf. The initiative is the most comprehensive solution of this kind on the financial services market. Apart from the sign language, our consultants know the characteristics of the deaf community.

Bank tellers do not serve clients in wheelchairs at the counter, but at a table low enough to allow the clients to talk comfortably to our employees. The list of outlets adjusted to the needs of persons in wheelchairs is available here.

can use mBank’s Internet banking. The most important sections were designed in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Clients who wish to use the service must install dedicated software, e.g. NVDA. With the use of a synthetic voice, the software tells the user what is displayed on the screen. In 2017, we were working on optimising the mobile application to adjust it to the type of screens used by visually impaired people.

may place their fingerprint on written instructions, agreements and applications in the presence of an mBank employee. They can also send documents by post instead of visiting our branch. However, such documents must be certified by a notary. Every client can authorise a person they trust to access their bank account. More information can be found here.


One Network. Branches available to everyone, everywhere.

We have been reorganising our branch network in cities across Poland since 2012. We have been moving our retail outlets to places that are most frequently visited by our clients. Some of our retail outlets, operating in the form of the so-called light branches, are now located in shopping malls with the highest footfall. Our new branches stand out for their modern design, digital sources of information and the possibility of having a video chat with mBank’s online experts and sign language translators. We are also merging our retail and corporate outlets, transforming them into advisory centres located in modern office buildings offering access to people with disabilities.

Our network is complemented by approx. 120 mKiosks operated by mFinanse. They are located in shopping malls. In addition, mFinanse operates approx. 45 outlets located in the most important streets and office districts. People who work there meet with clients also outside mFinanse branches.

We train our employees in how they should communicate and work with people with disabilities:

  •  100% of people employed in our branches, contact centre, and financial services centres completed an e-learning course making them sensitive to the needs of people with disabilities;
  • We set up a team of Contact Centre advisors who are responsible for empathic service of people with disabilities;
  • More than 90 employees participated in workshops organised by Fundacja Integracja (Integration Foundation), where they had direct contact with a blind person and a guide dog.