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Ergonomics and security at the workplace

Facilities at Przystanek mBank

We take care about employees and their needs by guaranteeing them optimum working conditions. In 2017, we officially opened the Przystanek mBank building in Łódź. It is an intelligent, modern building that guarantees its users comfortable work conditions thanks to the state-of-the-art solutions and facilities:

  • We guarantee our employees much higher parameters of fresh air than it is required under the law. Air supply per employee exceeds sanitary minimum by 25%. Furthermore we are working on a solution to improve air thanks to central air humidifiers.
  • Windows (window modules) are opened every 4 hours to allow air to enter from outside and hence improve comfort of employees.
  • LED bulbs are checked in terms of photobiological safety, i.e. impact on employees’ health.
  • We have installed window shutters for the best protection against heat and sunlight.
  • Cyclists have 150 parking places and 20 shower units at their disposal.
  • There are two terraces used as a relaxation zone, where employees may talk to each other in a less formal atmosphere or throw a party.
  • Quiet zone and conference rooms are located on each floor.
  • We are working on the launch of a mobile application to help find one’s way through the building. We also want to implement solutions to monitor traffic of external guests entering the building and make available parking place. We want our building to be as modern as our bank.

Audit of job positions for employees with disabilities

In 2017, we carried out an audit of job positions for employees with disabilities. We also audited entire office complexes where such employees perform their tasks. As part of the audit, we also checked the surroundings, social rooms, toilets and the design of office space where employees with disabilities have their work stations.

The occupational health and safety management system

The occupational health and safety management system at mBank Group operates on the basis of the following principles:

1. Guaranteeing involvement of the management and all the employees in activities related to adopting and implementing the occupational health and safety policy, i.e. guaranteeing relevant resources, funds and training system.

2. Planning activities aimed at implementing the adopted occupational health and safety policy. Meetings of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee take place once a quarter.

3. Creating conditions for implementing action plans, i.e. guaranteeing budget for specific goals, identification of threats and assessment of occupational risks.

4. Monitoring the implementation of plans and system operation and applying corrective and preventing measures, including: monitoring the occupational health and safety conditions and implementing solutions to improve occupational health and safety, analysing reasons for accidents at work.

5. Carrying out periodical reviews and optimising the implemented occupational health and safety management system through reviews and checks of the company’s branches by an occupational health and safety specialist.

6. Initial and periodical training in occupational health and safety is carried out by an occupational health and safety specialist.