We consciously manage our environmental impact and try to reduce the negative impact.
For the first time in mBank’s history environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives have been made an integral part of the business strategy. Commitment to protect the climate and the environment are among our priorities. We wish to reduce our direct and indirect impact on the environment.
We will promote attitudes that will help stop and reverse negative climate and environmental changes among our clients. We will pursue an active credit policy towards entities seeking financing for environment-friendly industrial, infrastructure, and residential investments.
We will launch special programmes:
project financing, e.g. for renewable energy systems
issuing sustainable/green bonds and covered bonds
We will implement investment strategies based on ESG analysis and offer products building environmental awareness among our clients.
Our objectives include:
- mBank’s presence in the WIG-ESG index,
- implementation of the internal credit policy on sectors relevant to the EU climate policy,
- launching incentives for clients encouraging them to shift to renewable energy sources.
We implement objectives related to reducing our impact on the climate mainly through credit policies governing our approach to financing industries which are crucial from the point of view of climate change.