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The report was prepared in line with the GRI Standards (Core option) with the support of Go Responsible, an independent consulting company.

The report covers mBank S.A. along with branches in Czech Republic and Slovakia and selected subsidiaries: mLeasing, mFaktoring, mBank Hipoteczny, mFinanse. The aforementioned companies were selected on the basis of employment size. At the end of 2020, the FTE number in these companies accounted for 99.7% of FTEs in the Group (on a consolidated level).

The report was not verified by an external entity. mBank reports on an annual basis. The analysis of relevant topics was carried out for the purpose of the 2019 report and we considered it as binding while preparing this report. Key topics to be addressed by the report were selected on the basis of a survey on stakeholders’ expectations, as well as the organisation strategy, non-financial reporting of the competition and conclusions reached at the meeting with the working team responsible for the report.


No significant changes were introduced compared with the previous report. Data are presented on the basis of the GRI Standards (Core option), the International <IR> Framework, and the Ten Principles of UN Global Compact. This report also functions as our Communication on Progress report.

The financial data present consolidated information on the Group, i.e. they refer to all subsidiaries consolidated within mBank Group.


Katarzyna Adamczyk

ESG expert



Individual and institutional clients of mBank Group subsidiaries regularly provide feedback on their level of satisfaction with particular processes, products, and their components, such as transparency of presented costs and risk or value for money. These issues are addressed, among others, in structured questionnaires including open questions, the “Assess” option in online banking, as well as during workshops.

The said surveys and workshops are followed by reports, which are presented to the management, sales force employees and product specialists. Obtained conclusions are used to improve the existing processes and products. Furthermore, clients’ replies are uploaded to the customer relation management system already during a survey. Replies to open questions are analysed by branch directors, and then advisors contact clients to get feedback, reply to questions and address clients’ needs.

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