About General Shareholders Meetings
Calling of General Meetings
- Ordinary General Meeting:
An ordinary General Meeting is called by the Management Board once a year, not later than the end of June (Article 395.1 and Article 399.1 of the Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies, “Code”). The Supervisory Board may call an ordinary General Meeting if the Management Board has not called a meeting within the deadline above (Article 399.2 of the Code). - Extraordinary General Meeting:
An extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Management Board, the Supervisory Board, or shareholders who jointly represent at least half of the share capital or at least half of all votes of the company. In addition, a shareholder or shareholders representing jointly at least 1/20 of the share capital of the Bank may request that an extraordinary General Meeting is called (Article 400 of the Code). The request for an extraordinary General Meeting to be called should be presented to the Management Board of the Bank in writing or in electronic form at walne.zgromadzenia@mbank.pl
Announcement calling of General Meeting
According to applicable regulations (Article 402 of the Code), a General Meeting is called by publishing a relevant announcement on the website of the Bank and submitting a relevant communiqué to the stock exchange. Both these conditions must be fulfilled at least 26 days before the date of the General Meeting.
General Meeting materials
According to Article 402 of the Code, documents to be presented to a General Meeting, including draft resolutions, are published on the website of the Bank as of the date of calling of the General Meeting.
38th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of mBank S.A.
Supervisory Board Reports
37th GSM of mBank 27 March 2024Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
36th GSM of mBank 30 March 2023Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
35th GSM of mBank 31 March 2022Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
34th GSM of mBank 24 March 2021Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
33rd GSM of mBank 27 March 2020Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
32nd GSM of mBank 28 March 2019Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
31th GSM of mBank 12 April 2018Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
30th GSM of mBank 30 March 2017Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
29th GSM of mBank 24 March 2016Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
28th GSM of mBank 30 March 2015Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
27th GSM of mBank 31 March 2014Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
26th GSM of mBank 31 March 2013Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
25th GSM 30.03.2012Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
24th GSM 30.03.2011Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
23rd GSM 30.03.2010Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
22nd GSM 16.03.2009Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
- 16th EGM 27.10.2008Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
21st GSM 14.03.2008Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
20th GSM 16.03.2007Kliknij, żeby rozwinąć
27th Ordinary General Meeting of mBank SA, 31 March 2014
26th Ordinary General Meeting of BRE Bank SA, 11 April 2013
25th Ordinary General Meeting of BRE Bank SA, 30 March 2012
24th Ordinary General Meeting of BRE Bank SA, 30 March 2011