Current Report No. 57/2010Since the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 12th Business Department of the National Court Register, has registered amendments to the By-laws of the Bank made pursuant to the resolution No. 24 of the 23rd Ordinary General Meeting of BRE Bank SA ("the Bank") of March the 30th, 2010, the Management Board of the Bank hereby discloses the amendments made to the By-laws of the Bank as a result of the above-mentioned registration.1. Art. 6:(i) item 16 worded as follows is added to section 1:"16) issuing electronic money.";(ii) item 16 worded as follows is added to section 2:"16) acting as a settlement agent in the meaning of the act on electronic payment instruments."2. Art. 10:(i) item 2 is now worded as follows:"2. The Supervisory Board may convene the Ordinary General Meeting, if the Management Board does not convene it within the time defined herein and an Extraordinary General Meeting, if it considers it useful.";(ii) item 3 is now worded as follows:"3. Shareholders representing at least a half of the share capital or at least a half of all votes in the company may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting. Shareholders shall appoint the chair of such meeting.";(iii) item 4 worded as follows has been added:"4. Shareholder(s) representing at least one twentieth of the share capital may request that an Extraordinary General Meeting be convened and specific issues be included in its agenda. The request for convening the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be submitted to the Management Board in writing or in electronic format. The request for convening the Extraordinary General Meeting should include the proposeda) agenda of the General Meeting, andb) draft resolutions with justification. ";(iv) item 5 worded as follows has been added:"5. If the General Meeting is convened otherwise than by the Management Board, the Management Board shall carry out activities required in order that the General Meeting may take place."3. Section 2 has been deleted from Art. 12. The former section 1 is therefore not numbered.4. Art. 13 is now worded as follows:"Shareholders can participate in the General Meeting and cast their votes either in person or byproxies In order to be valid, the powers of attorney for participation in the General Meetingshall be made out in writing or in electronic format and attached to the minutes."5. Art. 22 (3) (3) (a) is now worded as follows:"a) exercising regular supervision of credit risks, market risks and operational risks and recommending approval of individual counterparty risk according to parameters defined by the Supervisory Board from time to time;".