26.07.2010 Current Report No. 67/2010The Management Board of BRE Bank SA ("the Bank") hereby states that it concluded four agreements with a client being its subsidiary (“the Company”) worth in total PLN 450,000,000 from April the 26th, 2010 to July the 26th, 2010.The total value of the above-mentioned agreements exceeds 10% of the equity of the Bank.Agreements with highest values include:I. The agreement on underwriting service between the Bank and the Company of July the 26th, 2010 (“the Underwriting Agreement”); the Bank undertook to take up 4-year mortgage debentures issued by the Company up to PLN 200,000,000 under the underwriting agreement on July the 28th, 2010;the interest rate on the mortgage debentures and the terms of remuneration of the Bank under the underwriting agreement were established on arm's length basis; the above-mentioned debentures are to be quoted on the regulated market;the underwriting agreement will remain in force until July the 29th, 2010; it provides for standard conditions precedent to the performance of the obligation of the Bank to take up the debentures issued by the Company and standard terms of termination usually included in agreements of this type;No penalties are provided for in the underwriting agreement;.II. The stand-by credit agreement of July the 22nd, 2010 concluded for 12 months whereby the Bank undertook to make a deposit not to exceed PLN 200,000,000 with the Company.Deposits are to be made with the Company in tranches for the periods of 1 business day, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, and 6 months. The interest rate on each tranche of the deposit is established using the following formula: WIBOR relevant for a given term of deposit + margin of the Bank.The loan agreement does not include any provisions applicable to penalties exceeding EUR 200,000.No conditions, precedent to performance, are provided for. Standard terminating conditions usually included in the agreements of this type are provided for.Supplementary legal basis:Art. 78 (3) of the Order of the Minister of Finance of February the 19th, 2009 on day-to-day and periodic disclosures to be made by issuers of securities and terms of considering information required by legal regulations of a state other than a member state to be equivalent.