14.07.2011 The current report No. 47/2011BRE Bank SA (the "Bank")  - according to the information received from the company BRE Leasing Sp. z o.o.  (indirect subsidiary of the Bank) announces that in connection to the current report No. 34/2011 as of 15 June 2011 - that on 13 July 2011 the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the company BREL-ESTATE Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw (subsidiary of BRE Leasing Sp. z o.o.) there was adopted a resolution on revoking the winding up of the company BREL-ESTATE Sp. z o.o. its going concern and on appointment of the Members of the Management Board. The following persons have been appointed as the Members of the Management Board: Mr. Veit Martin and Ms. Agnieszka Kaczyńska.