08.02.2013 Current  report no. 12/2013The Management Board of BRE Bank SA announces that by way of its resolution dated 8 February 2013 it decides to recommend to the 26th Annual General Meeting of BRE Bank SA that the dividend for 2012 be paid to the shareholders of BRE Bank SA.The motion of the Management Board regarding payment of the dividend for 2012 to the shareholders together with a relevant motion regarding division of the profit for 2012, including: the amount of dividend per share, suggested dividend day and dividend payment date, will be submitted to the assessment of the Supervisory Board pursuant to Article 382 § 3 of the Commercial Companies Code, after final verification of the financial data of the Bank for 2012 by the auditor, whereas the Management Board intends to recommend that the dividend be paid at the level of 33% of the profit for 2012.