13.09.2013 Current Report No. 90/2013In accordance with the obtained information, the Management Board of BRE Bank SA hereby announces the following:1. The Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, by its resolution of 9 September 2013, decided to admit, under regular procedures, 1,500 shares of the Bank to stock exchange trading on the primary stock market as of 16 September 2013, the shares are coded by the Central Securities Depository of Poland as PLBRE0000020.The admission of the said shares of the Bank to stock exchange trading as of 16 September 2013 will take place on the condition that the Central Securities Depository of Poland converts the aforesaid registered shares of the Bank into ordinary bearer shares, and upon their assimilation with the Bank’s shares traded on the stock exchange under the code PLBRE0000012 on 16 September 2013.2. On 11 September 2013 the Central Securities Depository of Poland decided to assimilate 1,500 ordinary bearer shares of the Bank converted on 16 September 2013 from 1,500 registered shares of the Bank under the code of PLBRE0000020 into 42,150,752 ordinary bearer shares coded as PLBRE0000012 as of 16 September 2013.The assimilated shares are coded as PLBRE0000012.As of 16 September 2013:1) 42,152,252 shares of the Bank bear the code PLBRE0000012,2) 18,000 shares of the Bank bear the code PLBRE0000020.