26.09.2013 Current Report No. 95/2013With reference to Current Report No. 26/2012 dated 13 April 2012 concerning the Euro Medium Term Notes Programme, the Management Board of BRE Bank SA (the "Bank") announces that on 25 September 2013 BRE Finance France SA, a subsidiary of the Bank (the Bank holds 99.98% of the subsidiary's shares), issued the next tranche of eurobonds. BRE Finance France SA issued eurobonds with a nominal value of CHF 200,000,000.00 (equivalent to PLN 685,500,000.00 at the fixing rate of the National Bank of Poland prevailing on 25 September 2013) with maturity date in 2018. The interest on the eurobonds is 2.5%.On 26 September 2013, the rating agencies Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor's Rating Services awarded respectively rating "A" and rating "BBB+" to the tranche of eurobonds. The ratings correspond with the rating assigned to the entire EMTN Programme.The issued tranche of eurobonds is admitted to trading on the stock exchange in Zurich.On 25 September 2013 the Bank and BRE Finance France SA entered into a security deposit agreement totalling CHF 198,967,000.00 (equivalent to PLN 681,959,392.50 at the fixing rate of the National Bank of Poland prevailing on 25 September 2013). The security deposit comprises funds raised from the above mentioned eurobonds and will be used to back the guarantee issued by the Bank to secure the payment obligations arising from the eurobonds. The Bank announced the granting of the guarantee in its current report No. 26/2012 of 13 April 2012.The security deposit will be owned by the Bank until the eurobonds are repaid in 2018.On an annual basis, the Bank will pay BRE Finance France SA, the provider of the security deposit, fixed interest and an additional repurchase premium amounting to CHF 1,033,000.00 (PLN 3,540,607.50 at the fixing rate of the National Bank of Poland prevailing on 25 September 2013).The security deposit agreement includes no conditions subsequent or precedent. The agreement provides for no contractual penalties.The funds comprising the security deposit will be used to finance the general banking operations of the Bank.