08.10.2013 Current Report No. 101/2013         The Management Board of BRE Bank SA in Warsaw (the "Bank") announces that the Management Board of Gie³da Papierów Wartoœciowych w Warszawie SA (Warsaw Stock Exchange) by Resolution No. 1175/2013 dated 8 October 2013 admitted to trading on the primary market 2,745 ordinary bearer shares of BRE Bank SA with the nominal value of PLN 4.00 per share starting from 11 July under standard procedure.The aforementioned shares were issued based on resolution No. 3 of the 16th Extraordinary General Meeting of BRE Bank SA dated 27 October 2008 on the issue of bonds with the pre-emptive right to take up the shares of BRE Bank SA and on the conditional increase of the share capital through the issue of shares excluding the subscription right of the existing shareholders, with a view to enable persons participating in the incentive programme to take up the shares of BRE Bank SA, and on applying for admission of the shares to trading on the regulated market, and on dematerialisation of the shares.Admission of the above shares of BRE Bank SA to trading will take place on 10 October 2013 on condition that KDPW registers the shares on 10 October 2013 under the following code: PLBRE0000012.