
Current Report No. 120/2013 The Management Board of mBank S.A. ("Bank") announces that on 22 November 2013 the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register registered amendments to the Bank's By-laws arising from resolutions no. 26 and 27 adopted during the 26th Ordinary General Meeting of BRE Bank SA which took place on 11 April 2013. Following the registration of amendments to the By-laws, the Bank's name was changed from BRE Bank Spółka Akcyjna to mBank Spółka Akcyjna. Below please find detailed information about the amendments made as a result of the registration of amendments to the Bank's By-laws: 1. Article 1 has been amended as follows: "mBank Spółka Akcyjna is a bank acting on the basis of the present By-laws, the Banking Law, and the Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies." 2. Article 2 sections (1) and (2) has been amended as follows: "1. The registered business name of the Bank is: mBank Spółka Akcyjna. 2. The Bank may use the following abbreviation: "mBank S.A." 3. Article 6 section (2) item 12 has been amended as follows: "12) providing leasing and factoring services, and performing the activities of an intermediary with respect to those services." 4. The following section (5) has been added to Article 6: "5. The Bank may perform the activities referred to in sections (1) and (2) at the request of other banks, credit institutions, financial institutions or related entities, as long as those activities are covered by the scope of operations of the requesting entities." 5. Article 17 section (1) has been amended as follows: "1. The Supervisory Board shall be composed of not less than five members elected by the General Meeting for a joint term of office of three years. At least half of the Supervisory Board members, including the Chairperson, must hold Polish citizenship, be habitually resident in Poland, speak Polish and have experience on the Polish market which can be used while supervising the Bank's operations." 6. In Article 22 section (3) item 4 letter b) the words "BRE Bank SA" have been struck out, and therefore the provision reads as follows: "b) to table opinions concerning approval for members of the Management Board to engage in competitive activity," 7. Article 25 section (1) has been amended as follows: "1. The Management Board is composed of at least three members appointed for a joint term of office of 5 years. At least half of the Management Board members, including the President of the Management Board, must hold Polish citizenship, be habitually resident in Poland, speak Polish and have experience on the Polish market which can be used while managing the Bank." 8. Article 30b) section (1) has been amended by adding a new letter a) and therefore the former letter a) has changed to another letter