
Report type: QSr
Delivery date: 2014-02-06
Abbreviated name of the issuer: mBank

Legal basis SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA in PLN thousand in EUR thousand 4 quarter(s) ascending / 2013 period from 2013-01-01 to 2013-12-31 4 quarter(s) ascending / 2012 period from 2012-01-01 to 2012-12-31 4 quarter(s) ascending / 2013 period from 2013-01-01 to 2013-12-31 4 quarter(s) ascending / 2012 period from 2012-01-01 to 2012-12-31

I. Interest income 3,949,971 4,523,117 938,013 1,083,745
II. Fee and commission income 1,303,834 1,216,879 309,626 291,566
III. Net trading income 342,978 356,542 81,448 85,428
IV. Operating profit 1,517,703 1,464,808 360,414 350,97
V. Profit before income tax 1,517,703 1,464,808 360,414 350,97
VI. Net profit attributable to the shareholders of mBank S.A. 1,206,375 1,197,321 286,482 286,88
VII. Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests 2,603 581 618 139
VIII. Net cash flows from operating activities -875,524 3,551,574 -207,914 850,962
IX. Net cash flows from investing activities -146,597 -216,342 -34,813 -51,836
X. Net cash flows from financing activities -2,842,591 -400,979 -675,039 -96,075
XI. Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents -3,864,712 2,934,253 -917,766 703,051
XII. Earnings per ordinary share (in PLN/EUR) 28.62 28.43 6.80 6.81
XIII. Diluted earnings per ordinary share (in PLN/EUR) 28.61 28.40 6.79 6.80
XIV. Declared or paid dividend per share (in PLN/EUR) 10.00 - 2.37 -
Column 1: as at 31 December 2013        
Column 2: as at 31 December 2012        
Column 3: as at 31 December 2013        
Column 4: as at 31 December 2012        
XV. Total assets 104,282,761 102,144,983 25,145,342 24,985,319
XVI. Amounts due to the Central Bank - - - -
XVII. Amounts due to other banks 19,224,182 21,110,939 4,635,461 5,163,871
XVIII. Amounts due to customers 61,673,527 57,983,600 14,871,124 14,183,161
XIX. Equity attributable to the shareholders of mBank S.A. 10,229,342 9,594,430 2,466,566 2,346,859
XX. Non-controlling interests 27,096 24,491 6,534 5,991
XXI. Share capital 168,696 168,556 40,677 41,23
XXII. Number of shares 42,174,013 42,138,976 42,174,013 42,138,976
XXIII. Book value per share (in PLN/EUR) 242.55 227.69 58.49 55.69
XXIV. Capital adequacy ratio 19.38 18.73 19.38 18.73
XXV. Interest income 3,631,968 4,135,914 862,495 990,97
XXVI. Fee and commission income 1,084,180 1,011,765 257,464 242,42
XXVII. Net trading income 326,358 344,897 77,501 82,638
XXVIII. Operating profit 1,340,645 1,449,052 318,367 347,195
XXIX. Profit before income tax 1,340,645 1,449,052 318,367 347,195
XXX. Net profit 1,070,306 1,193,575 254,169 285,982
XXXI. Net cash flows from operating activities -1,229,350 3,290,233 -291,938 788,344
XXXII. Net cash flows from investing activities 126,535 -133,42 30,049 -31,968
XXXIII. Net cash flows from financing activities -3,049,423 296,936 -724,156 71,146
XXXIV. Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents -4,152,238 3,453,749 -986,046 827,523
XXXV. Earnings per ordinary share (in PLN/EUR) 25.39 28.34 6.03 6.79
XXXVI. Diluted earnings per ordinary share (in PLN/EUR) 25.38 28.31 6.03 6.78
XXXVII. Declared or paid dividend per share (in PLN/EUR) 10.00 - 2.37 -
Column 1: as at 31 December 2013        
Column 2: as at 31 December 2012        
Column 3: as at 31 December 2013        
Column 4: as at 31 December 2012        
XXXVIII. Total assets 100,232,132 98,057,913 24,168,628 23,985,596
XXXIX. Amounts due to the Central Bank - - - -
XL. Amounts due to other banks 18,863,854 20,241,514 4,548,576 4,951,204
XLI. Amounts due to clients 64,008,374 59,881,918 15,434,118 14,647,502
XLII. Equity 9,573,220 9,072,794 2,308,357 2,219,264
XLIII. Share capital 168,696 168,556 40,677 41,23
XLIV. Number of shares 42,174,013 42,138,976 42,174,013 42,138,976
XLV. Book value per share (in PLN/EUR) 226.99 215.31 54.73 52.67
XLVI. Capital adequacy ratio 20.59 19.66 20.59 19.66


The presentation of selected financial data from the quarterly financial information requires a respective description. The financial data selected from the consolidated balance sheet (consolidated statement of financial position) or the balance sheet (statement of financial position) respectively are presented as at the end of the current quarter and as at the end of the previous financial year, which requires a respective description.

The report should be submitted to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, to the company operating the regulated market, and to the public through an information agency in accordance with the law.