
Appointment of a new member of the Supervisory Board of mBank S.A.

Current Report 

Drafted on:


Current report No


Abbreviated issuer’s name



The Management Board of mBank S.A. ("Bank") announces that under a resolution of the Bank's Supervisory Board of 24 March 2016 Mr Ralph Michael Mandel was appointed a member of the Bank's Supervisory Board as of 1 May 2016 until the end of the current term of the Supervisory Board.

Mr Ralph Michael Mandel graduated in Business Administration from  the University of Muenster.

In the years 1986-2000 he worked for Dresdner Bank AG, where he was responsible for private banking.
In the years 2000-2002 he worked as a consultant in McKinsey&Company.

Since 2002 he has worked for Commerzbank AG, where he took up the position of the Director for Business Development - private clients segment and then the position of Group Manager - Private and Business Clients.

In 2008, he was appointed President of the Management Board of Comdirect Bank AG.

Since 2010 he has held  the position of a Member of the Management Board for Private Clients at Commerzbank AG.

Sine May 2016 Mr Ralph Michael Mandel has held the position of a Member of the Management Board at Commerzbank AG and has been responsible for the private clients segment.

In accordance with information held by the Bank, Mr Ralph Michael Mandel is not involved in activities competitive to the Bank.

Mr Ralph Michael Mandel has no records in the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained under the National Court Register Act.

In accordance with the criteria applied at the Bank, Mr Ralph Michael Mandel is not an Independent Member of the Supervisory Board.


President of the Management Board

Cezary Stypułkowski 03.24.2016