
Decision of the Management Board of mBank S.A. approved by the Supervisory Board of mBank S.A. with regard to the motion concerning the distribution of undistributed retained profit and distribution of profit generated in 2016

Current Report 

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The Management Board of mBank S.A. (“Bank”) announces that on 1 March 2017 it resolved to request the Annual General Meeting to consider the motion concerning the distribution of undistributed retained profit in the following manner:


Undistributed retained profit in the amount of PLN 2,761,505,904.92 will be allocated to supplementary capital of the Bank.


As regards the 2016 net profit, the Management Board of the Bank decided to ask the Annual General Meeting to consider the following motion:


Out of the net profit generated in 2016 by the Bank in the amount of PLN 1,219,339,249.57, the amount of PLN 20,000,000.00 should be earmarked for mBank’s general risk fund.


The remaining part of the profit, amounting to PLN 1,199,339,249.57, will remain undistributed.


The resolution of the Management Board of the Bank on the submission of the motion concerning the distribution of the net profit generated in 2016 and the undistributed retained profit for consideration of the Annual General Meeting of the Bank was submitted for evaluation to the Supervisory Board pursuant to Article 382 (3) of the Polish Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies.


The resolution of the Management Board of the Bank on the submission of the motion concerning the distribution of the net profit generated in 2016 and the undistributed retained profit for consideration of the Annual General Meeting of the Bank was approved by the Supervisory Board of the Bank on 1 March 2017.


President of the Management Board

Cezary Stypułkowski 01.03.2017