
Announcement of the Management Board of mBank S.A., issued under Article 428 (6) of the Polish Commercial Companies Code

Current Report 

Drafted on:


Current report No


Abbreviated issuer’s name



The Management Board of mBank S.A. (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) hereby announces that on 28 March 2017, acting in pursuance of Article 428 (6) of the Polish Commercial Companies Code, it provided answers to the following questions regarding the Bank asked by a shareholder:


Question 1:

The recommendation concerning candidates for the new term of the Bank’s Supervisory Board was published on the Bank’s website. Does this mean that the candidates listed in the said document have been officially announced, or will they have to be officially announced by the shareholders either before or during the Annual General Meeting?


The Bank’s answer:

The candidates published on the Bank’s website will be officially announced by the Chairman of the Bank’s Supervisory Board during the Annual General Meeting (in accordance with Article 16 (2) of the Standing Rules of the General Meeting).


Question 2:

For how long has PricewaterhouseCoopers Sp. z o.o. been acting as the Bank’s auditor? Draft resolutions include no suggestions concerning auditors. Which entity will be proposed as the auditor for 2017?


The Bank’s answer:

PricewaterhouseCoopers Sp. z o.o. was recommended by the Bank’s Supervisory Board to act as an auditor to review financial statements of mBank S.A. for 2017 and consolidated financial statements of mBank Group for 2017.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Sp. z o.o. was chosen by the Annual General Meeting as the auditor to review the Bank’s financial statements and consolidated financial statements of mBank S.A. Group in 2016.


President of the Management Board

Cezary Stypułkowski 28.03.2017