
The 30th Annual General Meeting of mBank S.A. – adopted resolutions – additional information

Current Report 

Drafted on:


Current report No


Abbreviated issuer’s name



In reference to current report no. 20/2017 of 30 March 2017, the Management Board of mBank S.A. (“Bank”) hereby announces that the 30th Annual General Meeting of the Bank also adopted the following organisational resolutions:

- on election of the Chairman of the Meeting:

Mr. Gabriel Wujek was elected as the Chairman of the Meeting.

The number of shares in respect of which valid votes were cast: 36,864,362 shares, which accounts for 87.19% of the share capital.

Total number of valid votes: 36,864,362, of which:

votes “for”: 34,956,102,

votes “against”: 0,

abstentions: 1,908,260.

- on electing the Vote Counting Committee:

The Vote Counting Committee was elected and was composed of the following persons:

1/ Magdalena Berne,

2/ Marta Żbikowska-Michalik,

3/ Dominik Szepietowski.

The number of shares in respect of which valid votes were cast: 36,864,462 shares, which accounts for 87.19% of the share capital.

Total number of valid votes: 36,864,462 including:

votes “for”: 34,956,202,

votes “against”: 0,

abstentions: 1,908,260.

- on changing the agenda:


Subject to voting was a change in the agenda consisting in moving the resolution on amendments to the By-Laws of mBank S.A. and authorisation of the Management Board of mBank S.A. to increase the share capital of mBank S.A. within the limits of the authorised share capital with the option for the Management Board to exclude the pre-emptive right of the existing shareholders of mBank S.A. in whole or in part upon approval by the Supervisory Board of mBank S.A. from item 8 sub-item 45 of the agenda to item 8 sub-item 51 of the agenda. As a result, the numbering of the resolutions presented to the General Meeting changed, i.e. draft resolutions with numbers 46-51 received numbers 45-50 and the draft resolution no. 45 became draft resolution no. 51.

The number of shares in respect of which valid votes were cast: 36,864,462 shares, which accounts for 87.19% of the share capital.

Total number of valid votes: 36,864,462 including:

votes “for”: 33,082,997,

votes “against”: 0,

abstentions: 3,781,465.


Deputy Director of the Compliance Department

Maciej Mołdawa 31.03.2017