
Decision of the Management Board of mBank S.A. approved by the Supervisory Board of mBank S.A. with regard to the motion concerning the distribution of undistributed retained profit from past years and distribution of profit generated in 2017, including dividends from profits gained in 2017

Current Report 

Drafted on:


Current report No


Abbreviated issuer’s name



The Management Board of mBank S.A. (“Bank”) announces that on 28 February 2018 it resolved to request the Annual General Meeting to consider the motion concerning the distribution of undistributed retained profit from past years in the following manner:

  • undistributed retained profit from past years in the amount of PLN 1,199,339,249.57 to be allocated to supplementary capital of the Bank.

In regard to the 2017 net profit, the Management Board of the Bank decided to ask the Annual General Meeting to consider the following motion:

  • the net profit generated by mBank S.A. in 2017 in the amount of PLN 1,089,703,775.81 to be distributed as follows:
  1. the amount of PLN 217,907,428.30 to be marked for the dividend due to the shareholders, whereas the dividend per share to amount to PLN 5,15,
  2. the amount of PLN 871,796,347.51 – to the supplementary capital of the Bank.

The Management Board of the Bank recommends that the date of dividend be scheduled for 24 May 2018 (dividend date), whereas the dividend payment date be scheduled for 7 June 2018 (payment date).

The resolution of the Management Board of the Bank on the submission of the motion concerning the distribution of the net profit generated in 2017 and the undistributed retained profit from past years for consideration of the Annual General Meeting of the Bank was submitted for evaluation to the Supervisory Board pursuant to Article 382 § 3 of the Polish Code of Commercial Companies.

On 28 February 2018, the Supervisory Board of the Bank approved and recommended distribution of the net profit generated in 2017 and the undistributed retained profit from past years to the Annual General Meeting, in line with the motion of the Management Board of the Bank.


Director of the Compliance Department

Agata Rowińska 28.02.2018