
Adopting the UN’s Principles for Responsible Banking

We signed six Principles for Responsible Banking set forth by UNEP-FI, which confirms our commitment to social and environmental issues. We are the first Polish bank in Poland to join the initiative independently (i.e. without the support of our foreign parent entity).

By joining the initiative, we confirm our commitment to the UN’s social and environmental sustainable development goals and the provisions of the Paris Agreement aimed at limiting the temperature increase to a maximum of 1.5-2°C.
As a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Banking, we will identify our impact on the society and environment. We will set and achieve measurable targets in our areas of most significant impact, and regularly report on our progress. Joining the initiative will help us understand the risks and take advantage of business opportunities arising from the economy’s transformation.

Sustainable development is a vital component of mBank’s business strategy.

This approach stems from our firm belief that responsible financial institutions should engage in solving environmental, social and governance problems (ESG). We join the fight against the climate change: we remain a leader in RES financing and limit our involvement in carbon-intensive sectors. Simultaneously, we develop our sustainable investment products. We offer environmentally friendly digital solutions, such as mobile payment cards with no plastic equivalent. Moreover, we pursue social goals, among others through our partnership with the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP), through mFoundation’s maths education initiatives and the “m for mBank’s art collection” fund supporting young artists.

The Principles for Responsible Banking were developed by the United Nations Environment Programme - Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI). They constitute the global standard adopted by the world’s largest financial institutions, which are sustainable growth leaders.

Upon signing the Principles for Responsible Banking we became a member of UNEP-FI.




mBank, esg