In accordance with the information published on the website of the Ministry of Finance, the head of the First Tax Office in Opole is authorised to collect throughout Poland the amounts due arising from fines imposed by way of a penalty notice, constituting income for the state budget.
Therefore, First Tax Office in Opole, servicing the head of that Office, was assigned with two types of bank accounts:
· “MANDATY” - 47101000550201609009990000 (NBP O/O Bydgoszcz) bank account for making payments by the fined, arising from fines imposed by way of a penalty notice, constituting income for the state budget and
· “MANDAT-JNG” - 96101000550201609009980000 (NBP O/O Bydgoszcz) bank account for making payments by the body issuing penalty notices, arising from fines imposed by way of a penalty notice payable in cash, constituting income for the state budget.
When filing orders in electronic or Internet banking systems you should select First Tax Office in Opole and then select one of the aforementioned accounts and the relevant tax form, i.e.: “MANDATY” or “MANDAT-JNG”.
Payments to the new bank account numbers can be made as of 1 January 2016.