On 1 July 2020 we will introduce changes to the “Tariff of Banking Fees and Commissions of mBank for SME and Corporates”.
The most important modifications include:
1. increase of the fee for opening an account for a non-resident to PLN 3,000 (from PLN 2,000),
2. increase of the following fees:
- fee for an Express Elixir transfer in PLN – to PLN 10 (from PLN 9),
- fee for a Blue Cash transfer in PLN – to PLN 10 (from PLN 9),
- fee for launching the Collect service – to PLN 1,000 (from PLN 800),
- fee for using Collect or Mass Collect mnemonics – to PLN 100 (from PLN 50),
- fee for an amending annex to a Collect, Mass Collect, Direct Debit, Direct Debit Plus, e-Zgoda agreement – to PLN 1,000 (from PLN 500),
3. addition of term deposits to the calculation of the calculation threshold of commissions for maintaining balances in accounts, and an increase to 0.25% (from 0.15%) of the commission for maintaining balances in accounts – the Bank will calculate the commission at the end of 31 December of each calendar year and will charge it within 30 days from that date (the Bank is not obliged to calculate and charge the commission),
4. simplification of provisions regarding fees for the SWIFTNET Korpo service, introduction of one fee for modifying the terms and conditions of an agreement instead of two separate fees,
5. introduction of fees and commissions for a new Package for SMEs in the eCommerce Package version (after it is added to the Bank’s offer), addition of a fee for ordering an open cash withdrawal at a post office and a fee for failure to collect it within the Package for SMEs,
6. introduction of fees and commissions for a Loan for the Payment of Liabilities, Electronic Loan for the Payment of Liabilities within the Payment product.
- List of changes
- Tariff of Banking Fees and Commissions of mBank for SME and Corporates (valid as of 1 July 2020).