mBank Management Board

The mBank By-Laws (§ 25) states that the Management Board comprises at least three members, appointed for a term of office of 5 years. At least half of the Management Board Members, including the President, must be Polish citizens. The Management Board comprises the President and other Management Board Members. The Supervisory Board may entrust the Management Board Members with the function of senior vice-president or vice-president of the Management Board.


The current Management Board of mBank comprises 7 members. Each member of mBank's Management Board meets the requirements set out in Article 22aa of the Banking Law Act.


Cezary Kocik

President of the Management Board


Krzysztof Bratos


of the Management Board,

Head of Retail Banking


Krzysztof Dąbrowski

of the Management Board,
Head of Operations and IT


Marek Lusztyn

of the Management Board,
Chief Risk Officer


Julia Nusser

of the Management Board,
Chief People & Regulatory Officer


Adam Pers

of the Management Board,
Head of Corporate & Investment Banking


Pascal Ruhland

of the Management Board,
Chief Financial Officer

Supervisory Board

According to the mBank By-Laws (§17), the Supervisory Board consists of at least five members, elected by the General Meeting for a joint term of office of three years. At least half of the Supervisory Board Members, including the Chairman, must be Polish citizens. The number of Supervisory Board Members is set by the General Meeting. The Supervisory Board elects the Chairman and Deputy Chairmen from among its members. Currently the Supervisory Board of mBank comprises 8 members (of that number, 4 are independent members). The term of office of the Supervisory Board expires on the date of the Ordinary General Meeting approving the financial statements of mBank S.A. for 2026.


Each member of mBank's Supervisory Board meets the requirements set out in Article 22aa of the Banking Law Act.


Professor Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska

Chairperson of the Bank’s Supervisory Board


Bernhard Spalt

Deputy Chairperson of the Bank’s Supervisory Board


Dr Hans-Georg Beyer

Member of the Bank’s Supervisory Board


Tomasz Bieske

Member of the Bank’s Supervisory Board


Mirosław Godlewski

Member of the Bank’s Supervisory Board


Aleksandra Gren

Member of the Bank’s Supervisory Board


Dr Bettina Orlopp

Member of the Bank’s Supervisory Board


Thomas Schaufler

Member of the Bank’s Supervisory Board

The scheme of division of competences among the Members of the Management Board

Committees of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board has four committees: the Risk Committee, the Audit Committee, the Remuneration and Nomination Committee and the IT Committee. Members of the Committees are presented below (in the first place - Chairperson of the Committee).


Risk Committee

Audit Committee

Remuneration and Nomination Committee

IT Committee

Bernhard Spalt

Prof. Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska

Aleksandra Gren

Mirosław Godlewski

Thomas Schaufler

Tomasz Bieske

Aleksandra Gren

Prof. Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska

Dr Bettina Orlopp

Dr Hans-Georg Beyer

Prof. Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska

Dr Bettina Orlopp

Tomasz Bieske

Mirosław Godlewski     

Bernhard Spalt

Aleksandra Gren

Mirosław Godlewski

Thomas Schaufler