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You can:
speak with an advisor by phone
arrange a meeting at a branch or online via a video call
one-click mLine
Call us from the mobile app (tap the ‘i’ icon in the upper right corner and select contact > mLine). You don’t need to provide your identifier and telecode.
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Your carrier’s standard rates apply to any calls made to this number.
mBank’s registered office
registered office
mBank S.A.
ul. Prosta 18
00-850 Warszawa
front office phone no.: +48 22 829 00 00
correspondence address
mBank S.A.
Bankowość detaliczna
Skrytka Pocztowa 2108
90-959 Łódź 2
general information
tax identification number NIP: 526-021-50-88; statistical number REGON: 001254524
National Court Register – District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, registered under KRS no. 0000025237
as at 1 January 2024, the share capital of mBank S.A. (fully paid-up) amounted to PLN 169,860,668