Reporting of banks to the National Bank of Poland.

Please submit the statement on the number of employees in your company for 2023 by 1 March 2024.

The information on the number of employees provided in the statement must be valid as at the end of the last financial year (i.e. 31 December 2023). The number of employees must be expressed in one of the following ranges:

  • up to 9 employees

  • from 10 to 249 employees

  • at least 250 employees


The number of employees includes all people in an employment relationship working full time and part time (based on an employment contract, nomination, appointment, or election), owners and co-owners and contributing family workers. It does not cover people employed under a contract for specific work or a contract of mandate and seasonal workers.

How to submit the statement in mBank CompanyNet

  • go to the Virtual Branch in mBank CompanyNet,

  • select the application Change of the company’s data,

  • confirm or update the data in the Client’s Statement on the Number of Employees,

  • authorise the statement in mBank CompanyNet (in line with the rules for signing applications in the Virtual Branch)


How to submit the statement if you don’t use mBank CompanyNet

  • download the Client’s Statement on the Number of Employees from

  • complete and sign the statement:

  • print and complete the statement, sign it in wet ink and then scan it, or

  • open the statement in Adobe Acrobat Reader, complete it and sign it with a qualified electronic signature (signatures on the statement should comply with your company’s representation rules)

  • send the statement by email (subject: OŚWIADCZENIA KLIENTA – LICZBA PRACUJĄCYCH)

  • to or

  • directly to your relationship manager


If you are our client, you are obliged to submit the statement on the number of employees in your company every year. This obligation arises from:

  • Regulations on Opening, Holding and Closing an Integrated Bank Account at mBank S.A., and

  • Regulations on Opening, Holding and Closing Bank Accounts at mBank S.A. 

We collect data on the number of employees for the purposes of reporting to the National Bank of Poland. This is governed by the Act of 29 August 1997 on the National Bank of Poland. You can find details regarding the reporting obligation in, among others, the Instruction supplementing the FINREP individual package (FINPL) of the National Bank of Poland.

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