statements and reports

spłata kredytu - korporacje

new statement formats

The higher number of fields to be filled in transfer forms makes it necessary to change bank statements.


The existing MT94x formats will be replaced as follows:

MT940  →    CAMT.053.001.08

MT942  →    CAMT.052.001.08


formats change process

  • In June 2024, we made a new bank statement format, CAMT.053 (equivalent of MT940), available in mBank CompanyNet, MultiCash and SWIFTNET.

  • By November 2024, we will make a new report format, CAMT.052 (equivalent of MT942), available in mBank CompanyNet, MultiCash and SWIFTNET.

  • In Q1 2025, we will make CAMT.053 (equivalent of MT940) and CAMT.052 (equivalent of MT942) available in the interbank communication via SWIFT.


The precise dates of introducing the new formats will be communicated in advance in mBank CompanyNet and on mBank’s website. 

Harmonogram zmian w wyciagach - schemat

description of changes in bank statements and reports


in July 2024, we made a new bank statement format, CAMT.053 (equivalent of MT940), available in mBank CompanyNet, MultiCash and SWIFTNET.


in Q4 2024, we will make a new bank statement format, CAMT.052 (equivalent of MT942), available in mBank CompanyNet, MultiCash and SWIFTNET.


MT940/942 in mBank CompanyNet and MultiCash will remain compatible with the current integration, but will not contain full counterparty data after the transition to the new ISO 20022-compliant format.


We are planning to make statements in the CAMT format available in SWIFT (interbank communication) in Q1 2025.


in July 2024, we made a new bank statement format, CAMT.053 (equivalent of MT940), available in mBank CompanyNet, MultiCash and SWIFTNET.


in Q4 2024, we will make a new bank statement format, CAMT.052 (equivalent of MT942), available in mBank CompanyNet, MultiCash and SWIFTNET.


MT940/942 in mBank CompanyNet and MultiCash will remain compatible with the current integration, but will not contain full counterparty data after the transition to the new ISO 20022-compliant format.


We are planning to make statements in the CAMT format available in SWIFT (interbank communication) in Q1 2025.


in July 2024, we made a new bank statement format, CAMT.053 (equivalent of MT940), available in mBank CompanyNet, MultiCash and SWIFTNET.


in Q4 2024, we will make a new bank statement format, CAMT.052 (equivalent of MT942), available in mBank CompanyNet, MultiCash and SWIFTNET.


MT940/942 in mBank CompanyNet and MultiCash will remain compatible with the current integration, but will not contain full counterparty data after the transition to the new ISO 20022-compliant format.


We are planning to make statements in the CAMT format available in SWIFT (interbank communication) in Q1 2025.

The MT940 and MT942 formats in SWIFT will be withdrawn in November 2025

Lupka na dokumencie - korporacje

what to keep in mind

  • we recommend integrating your financial and accounting and ERP systems with the new bank statement formats – CAMT.053 (equivalent of MT940) and CAMT.052 (equivalent of MT942).

  • review your processes that use account statements and check where full counterparty data in the new standard is needed

  • make sure you earmark sufficient funds in the 2025 budget for changes in your financial and accounting system or ERP system,

  • contact the system provider and schedule work,

  • introduce changes and enjoy the full scope of information about transactions in your accounts.

do not leave it to the last minute! Plan the adjustment of your financial and accounting systems sufficiently in advance

dłoń trzymająca długopis zaznacza punkty na dokumencie

electronic statement attachments will be withdrawn

In November 2025, we will withdraw electronic statement attachments. If your company uses electronic statement attachments, please contact your financial and accounting or ERP system provider and schedule integration with the CAMT.053 format.

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