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key areas of strategy
We aspire to be a leading retail banking franchise integrated with client life cycle. Our successful organic growth will continue to be fuelled by the constant acquisition of new (primarily young) clients and maturing of the existing base. We will be organized around demographic segments to develop a complete offer and value proposition precisely responding to the needs arising at different phases of the customer life. We will focus on mortgage lending expansion (through revised underwriting process), comprehensive investment offering (via own newly-established TFI), personal financial management (PFM) tools and ecosystem of non-banking services. With a reinforced mobile-first approach, we will design mBank’s contact channels aligned to a primacy of remote access and digital sales. We will support entrepreneurs and small firms by providing them with industry-customized expertise and integrated platform for managing their different business-related activities.
Having already strong position in the e-commerce market in Poland and outstanding transactional capabilities, we aspire to be the preferred bank for merchants and online shops, as well as favourite platform for customers buying on the Internet. We see the growth opportunity in further enhancement of our offer and supplementing it with new components. We want our payment integrator Paynow to gain a significant share in processing transactional volumes. We will extend the range of value added services and financing tailored for online sellers to increase the importance of relationship with mBank and partner with them in main parts of their e-commerce activity. We also plan to modernize and extend our existing mDiscounts (mOkazje) platform.
Our primary goal is to provide high quality, availability and security of mBank’s services and solutions to customers. By being cloud-ready, we will strive to maintain the technological advantage of mBank in the financial sector. It will allow us to boost flexibility, foster innovation of business applications, shorten time-to-market, and enlarge the scalability of used technology. Continuous development of a multi-layer cybersecurity defence model and assuring data secrecy will remain our constant effort. We aim to offer the highest possible protection of our mobile application and deliver the most secure and client-friendly identity confirmation process in all digital channels. We will employ artificial intelligence and data science to support creation of innovative customer products and better risk assessment, as well as increase effectiveness of internal systems and workflows.
We will create a culture where cooperation is based on trust and positive intentions. This gives people a comfortable space to experiment, innovate and make bold decisions. We will develop a best-in-class hybrid work environment. mBank’s managers will acquire practical skills in managing distributed teams, while our employees will take advantage of new communication and collaboration technology. We will make people capabilities a competitive advantage for the company through a strengths-based approach to leverage individual talents and focus on future skills needed for the organisation to succeed. We will amend the remuneration scheme to make it attractive from the employee perspective and supporting company objectives.
We are aware of our responsibility for climate (E=environment), society (S=society) and proper management of our organization (G=governance). An integral part of mBank Group strategy are ESG goals. Our business benefits customers, employees, shareholders, business partners and society as a whole. We are guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We want to be among leaders in responsible banking in Poland.
financial targets
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questions and answers
The AGM's resolution on net profit distribution is available at:
In order to have the right for the dividend payment, an investor has to own the company’s shares in the so called dividend day. As the period of the share purchase settlement is 2 days, an investor should buy the shares at least 2 days before the dividend day.
Information on the dividends payments made by mBank in the previous years are available at
The date of the next General Meeting can be found in the Investor Calendar on the mBank’s website: http://www.mbank.p/en/investor-relations/. The announcement of mBank's AGM is among the materials for the upcoming AGM, which can be found at the website
Shareholders have the option to participate in the General Meeting of mBank S.A. with the use of electronic means of communication. A shareholder or their proxy participating in the General Meeting with the use of the means of electronic communication has the same rights to voice their opinion, propose motions, submit draft resolutions, vote and raise objections to adopted resolutions as a shareholder or their proxy physically present in the room where the General Meeting is held.
Rules of Participation in a General Meeting of mBank S.A. with the Use of Means of Electronic Communication are among the materials for the upcoming AGM, which can be found at
The right to participate in the OGM (in accordance with article 4061 § 1 of commercial companies code) have only the persons being shareholders of the Bank on the Record Date, i.e. 16 days before the OGM. In order to participate in the OGM, an investor should buy the company’s shares at least 18 days before the OGM, as the period of the share purchase settlement is 2 days. Then, at the demand of the shareholder, the shareholder’s brokerage house issues a personal certificate confirming the right to participate in the OGM. It should be done not later than on the first working day after the Record Date. Brokerage houses prepare the list of those entitled from the bearer shares to participate in the OGM and pass it on to the National Deposit of Securities (Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych).
Dates of publication of quarterly, semi-annual and annual results of mBank Group is available on the mBank website: at investor calendar.
Latest Annual Report of mBank Group is available on mBank’s website:
Current and historical financial and business information on mBank Group is available on mBank’s website:
Current market consensus on mBank Group results for current and forthcoming year is available on mBank’s website:
Current analysts’ recommendations are available on mBank’s website:
To subscribe to mBank’s Newsletter, containing information on mBank’s share price, changes in market consensus and important corporate events you should click on „Subscribe to the “Newsletter” button on the website, enter your email address, and tick the box with agreement on receiving newsletters and processing of personal data by mBank.
Contact to person responsible for communication on mBank’s debt securities and ratings is available on mBank’s website: .
Contact to Investor Relations team is available on mBank’s website: . Email address:
Information on mBank’s auditor and Rules of selecting the auditor are available on mBank’s website:
Information on strategic shareholder of mBank is available on mBank’s website: .
Shareholding structure is available on mBank’s website: .