lost card, phone or document
block the card temporarily
You can temporarily block your card if you’re not sure where it is. When you’ve found it, you can unblock it at any time and continue using it as usual.
How to temporarily block a card
in the mobile app: go to ‘Products’ > ‘Cards’, select the card you want to block and click on ‘Card block’ > ‘Temporary card block’;
in the online banking: Go to ‘Products’ > ‘Cards’ > ‘All’, select the card you want to block and click on ‘Temporary block’;
via mLinia: dial 42 6 300 800 or call mLinia from the mobile app.
The same procedure applies if you want to unblock a card.
cancel the card
Cancel your card if you’re worried that someone may use it (e.g. if it has been stolen, if you suspect that someone has obtained your card details, or if your lost card has been returned to you – even in such a case you should consider cancelling it as the founder knows your card details now and may use them without your permission). Cancelling a card is irreversible; once your card has been cancelled, it becomes permanently useless.
How to cancel a card
in the mobile app: Go to ‘Products’ > ‘Cards’, select the card you want to block and click on ‘Card block’ > ‘Card cancellation’;
in the online banking: Go to ‘Products’ > ‘Cards’, select the card you want to block and click on ‘Cancel’;
via mLinia: dial 42 6 300 800 or call mLinia from the mobile app.
Once you’ve cancelled your card, check the transaction history in the app or the online banking to make sure that nobody made any transactions with it. You can also ask our consultant to do it for you. If something’s not right, contact us and we’ll try to get your money back.
at a branch (list of branches)
After cancelling your card, you can order a new one.
file a report to the police or the prosecutor’s office if you see any transactions you don’t recognise.
File a report to the police or the prosecutor’s office. You can send us a confirmation that the police / the prosecutor’s office has launched an investigation:
by email to kontakt@mbank.pl
by mail to mBank S.A. Bankowość Detaliczna, Skrytka Pocztowa 2108, 90-959 Łódź
If you authorise the police or the prosecutor’s office to release us from the obligation of banking secrecy, we will be able to provide materials and explanations to help solve your case.
When filing a report, it’s generally a good idea to specify in detail what happened, e.g. that your card has been stolen. If an unauthorised person made a transaction with your card, add this information too and provide the transaction details (e.g. transaction number, amount and execution date).
What should I do if my identity documents (ID card, passport) have been lost or stolen?
cancel your documents
in the mobile app: go to ‘Settings’ and click on ‘Cancel ID card’,
in the online banking: go to the ‘Help’ tab, click on ‘Take care of your matters’ and select ‘Report a lost/stolen identity document’,
via mLinia: dial 42 6 300 800 or call mLinia from the mobile app.
at a branch (list of branches)
We will enter the details of your lost/stolen document to the LOST OR STOLEN DOCUMENTS system maintained by the Polish Bank Association). This will lower the risk of your documents being used to commit a crime (e.g. to take out an online loan using your personal data).
file a report to the police or the prosecutor’s office if your document has been stolen
File a report to the police or the prosecutor’s office. You can use our template.
check the Credit Information Bureau (BIK) report
The report will show you if your data has been used to take out a loan. If you see something suspicious, e.g. a loan you don’t recognise, contact the bank or company it was taken out from. The BIK report can be downloaded from BIK’s website (it is a paid service).
submit an application for a new identity document
Remember: update your data at the bank once you’ve received your new identity document.
What should I do if someone stole my phone and may gain access to my bank account?
unpair your account from the mobile app installed on your phone
in the online banking: open the settings (cogwheel icon), click on ‘Access to the bank’, select the device your want to unpair and click on ‘Unpair’,
via mLinia: dial 42 6 300 800 or call mLinia from the mobile app.
if you use SMS passwords to authorise banking operations, disable SMS authorisation
Call mLinia by dialling 42 6 300 800 or from the mobile app.
During the call:
we will disable SMS authorisation, or
if you have a new phone number, we will change the old number registered at the bank to the new one (we will notify you of the change by sending a text message to the new number)
Contact your mobile carrier to block the stolen SIM card.
someone has used my data
If you see a transaction in your account that you don’t recognise or you suspect that you have been scammed or that your card has been stolen:
check your transaction history
Make sure that it wasn’t a recurring payment (e.g. for a subscription) or a direct debit. Maybe you accepted the payment assistant’s suggestion, or someone you authorised to use your account withdrew money at an ATM?
if you see an unknown card transaction, cancel your card as soon as possible
Cancel your card if you see any unknown transactions, if you’re worried that someone may have used it (e.g. if it has been stolen), if you suspect that someone has obtained your card details, or if your lost card has been returned to you – even in such a case you should consider cancelling your card as the founder knows your card details now and may use them without your permission. Cancelling a card is irreversible; once your card has been cancelled, it becomes permanently useless.
How to cancel a card
in the mobile app: Go to ‘Products’ > ‘Cards’, select the card you want to block and click on ‘Card block’ > ‘Card cancellation’;
in the online banking: Go to ‘Products’ > ‘Cards’, select the card you want to block and click on ‘Cancel’;
via mLinia: dial 42 6 300 800 or call mLinia from the mobile app.
Once you’ve cancelled your card, check the transaction history in the app or the online banking to make sure that nobody made any transactions with it. You can also ask our consultant to do it for you. If something’s not right, contact us and we’ll try to get your money back.
at a branch (list of branches)
After cancelling your card, you can order a new one.
if you don’t recognise a transfer or any other activity in your account (e.g. a BLIK payment, account pairing), call mLinia
Dial 42 6 300 800 or call mLinia from the mobile app.
After receiving your report our employee will secure your accounts just in case, and then analyse your report and ask some additional questions.
If the police want to seize your device (e.g. phone or computer) as evidence, do not scan it with anti-malware software, do not format hard drives or restore the device to factory settings until all evidence is secured.
secure your devices. If the police or the prosecutor’s office does not need to extract evidence from your devices:
scan all devices you use to log in to the bank with anti-malware software, or
format your computer’s hard drive and restore your phone to factory settings.
Do it only if the police decide that they don’t need to seize your device as evidence.
change your passwords
Change the password you use to log in to your mBank account in the online banking and the mobile app (and passwords to your other bank accounts, email accounts, accounts on shopping websites, social media platforms, and any other websites). Change your passwords on a device that you know is secure (e.g. after scanning it with anti-malware software, formatting its hard drive, or restoring it to factory settings). This way you’ll prevent criminals from taking control over your accounts and data.
file a complaint: via mLinia: dial 42 6 300 800, at a branch (list of branches)
cancel your documents
in the mobile app: go to ‘Settings’ and click on ‘Cancel ID card’,
via mLinia: dial 42 6 300 800 or call mLinia from the mobile app,
at a branch (list of branches)
We will enter the details of your document to the LOST OR STOLEN DOCUMENTS system maintained by the Polish Bank Association. This way you will lower the risk of your documents being used to commit a crime (e.g. to take out an online loan using your personal data).
file a report to the police or the prosecutor’s office
File a report to the police or the prosecutor’s office. You can use our template.
You can send us a confirmation that the police / the prosecutor’s office has launched an investigation:
by email to kontakt@mbank.pl,
by mail to mBank S.A. Bankowość Detaliczna, Skrytka Pocztowa 2108, 90-959 Łódź,
at a branch (list of branches)
If you authorise the police or the prosecutor’s office to release us from the obligation of banking secrecy, we will be able to provide materials and explanations to help solve your case.
When filing a report, it’s generally a good idea to specify in detail what happened, e.g.:
unauthorised person used your personal data,
someone opened a bank account in your name,
your personal data was used to take out a loan.
check the Credit Information Bureau (BIK) report
The report will tell you if any loans have been taken out using your personal data. The BIK report can be downloaded from BIK’s website (it is a paid service).
submit an application for a new identity document
Remember: update your data at the bank once you’ve received your new identity document. You can additionally block your PESEL so that nobody can use it without you knowing about it.
call mLinia
Dial 42 6 300 800 or call mLinia from the mobile app.
do not authorise transactions you do not recognise
Read carefully all authorisation notifications and text messages from the bank. Fraudsters may try to arrange for payments to be taken from your account.
change your password
Change the password you use to log in to your mBank account in the online banking and the mobile app (and passwords to your other bank accounts, email accounts, accounts on shopping websites, social media platforms, and any other websites). Change your passwords on a device that you know is secure (e.g. after scanning it with anti-malware software, formatting its hard drive, or restoring it to factory settings). This way you’ll prevent criminals from taking control over your accounts and data.
secure your device (smart phone, computer)
Scan your device with anti-malware software and consider formatting your computer's hard drives and resetting your phone to factory settings.
Be careful! It’s a fake message. We’ll never ask you to provide such data when you log in to your account.
If you receive such a message, it is very possible that malware has been installed on your device or you are on a fake website. If you disclose your data, criminals can capture it and use it.
Remember, when you see a message like this:
do not log in to your bank account on this device,
check your account history for any operations that you don’t recognise, and check the list of transfer recipients for any recipients that weren’t added by you. Read here what to do if you find such operations,
report it to us, e.g. via mLinia – by doing so, you increase your and other clients’ security,
if our consultant confirms that the message you saw was not sent by us, please send a screenshot of the message to: alert@mbank.pl (remember to cover your sensitive data before sending it to us)
until you’ve made sure that your device is secure, do not log in to your other bank accounts, email accounts or social media platforms,
scan your device with anti-malware software and consider formatting your computer's hard drives (if you have not identified any operations that you don’t recognise),
change the password to your mBank account and passwords to all other accounts (email, online stores, social media platforms) that you log in to using this device. Change your passwords on a device that you know is secure (e.g. after scanning it with anti-malware software, formatting its hard drive and restoring it to factory settings).
locking a bank account
Your bank accounts could have been locked for numerous reasons. If you haven’t received any text message with instructions from us, call mLinia by dialling 42 6 300 800 or from the mobile app.