Acquisition of information about an opinion issued by the Financial Stability Committee on the identification of other systemically important institutions and on imposing the other systemically important institution buffer on them

Acquisition of information about an opinion issued by the Financial Stability Committee on the identification of other systemically important institutions and on imposing the other systemically important institution buffer on them

Current Report |

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Contents: |

The Management Board of mBank S.A. (&ldquo|Bank&rdquo|) was informed that the Financial Stability Committee issued an opinion on the identification of other systemically important institutions and on imposing the other systemically important institution buffer on them The Bank, in accordance with the decision of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (&ldquo|KNF&rdquo|), is a party to the administrative proceedings pursued by the KNF regarding the identification of the Bank as other systemically important institution and imposing - on an individual and consolidated basis - the other systemically important institution buffer on the Bank , determined pursuant to Article 38 of the Act on Macroprudential Supervision of the Financial System and Crisis Management &ndash| equivalent to 0.5% of the total risk exposure calculated in accordance with Article 92 (3) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
The identification of other systemically important institutions and imposition of the buffers on them will take place, pursuant to Article 39 of the Act on Macroprudential Supervision of the Financial System and Crisis Management, in the form of an administrative decision issued by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority after consulting the Financial Stability Committee. As at the date of publication of this report the Bank did not receive the decision of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority on the identification of other systemically important institutions and on imposing the other systemically important institution buffer on them.
The Bank will provide information on completion of the administrative proceedings in the form of an administrative decision identifying the Bank as other systemically important institution and determining the level of the other systemically important institution buffer in a separate report following the receipt of such a decision.


President of the Management Board

Cezary Stypułkowski 17.08.2016


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