Current Report No. 38/2010NOT TO BE DISSEMINATED, PUBLISHED OR DISTRIBUTED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA OR JAPAN.Legal basis: Art. 56 (1) (2) of the Act on Public Offering and Terms of Introduction of Financial Instruments to an Organised Trading System and on Public Companies of July the 29th, 2005.The Management Board of BRE Bank S.A. in Warsaw (the Bank") hereby states that Krajowy Depozyt Papieró|w Wartoś|ciowych w Warszawie S.A. disclosed the results of the subscription to 12,371,200 ordinary bearer&rsquo|s shares with face value amounting to PLN 4 per share ("Newly Issued Shares") to the Bank on June the 1st, 2010.3,693 base subscriptions to 12,287,554 Newly Issued Shares were made in total in the subscription period (May the 19th -26th, 2010) as part of exercise of subscription rights. 578 instructions concerning additional subscriptions to 7,050,232 Newly Issued Shares were also provided.The Management Board of the Bank hereby states that Newly Issued Shares will be allocated on June the 9th, 2010 as per the public offering schedule provided in the relevant prospectus.The Bank will disclose information about the allocation of The Newly Issued Shares and the summary results of the issuance and the public offering of Newly Issued Shares to the public in separate current reports.DisclaimersThis report is designated for information purposes only. In no case should it be the basis for a decision to purchase securities of BRE Bank S.A. in Warsaw ("the Bank") included in the public offering of shares. This report is not an offer of sale of any securities, nor an invitation to subscribe to or purchase any securities of the Bank. In particular, it is not an offer of purchase of securities in the United States of America.The prospectus ("the Prospectus") covering the public offering of shares in the Bank with subscription rights and their authorisation and introduction into trading on the regulated market (primary market) managed by Gieł|da Papieró|w Wartoś|ciowych w Warszawie S.A. ("GPW") is the only legally binding document containing information about the public offering of the Bank shares in Poland ("the Offer"). The Polish Financial Supervision Authority approved the Prospectus on May the 12th, 2010. The Prospectus is available from the website of the Bank ( and from the website of the Brokerage House of BRE Bank S.A. ( report is not designated for direct or indirect distribution in or to the United States of America or other countries where distribution of information included herein to the public may be restricted or illegal. The securities referred to herein have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and must not be offered or sold in the United States of America except for transactions exempted from the registration obligation provided for in the U.S. Securities Act or under an exception to such registration obligation.The information included herein is not an offer of purchase nor an invitation to buy. The securities defined herein must not be sold in any jurisdiction where such offer or invitation would be illegal prior to registration, exemption from such registration or another qualification with regard to the law of such jurisdiction. This report shall not be distributed in Canada, Japan or Australia.This report is only designated for (i) persons outside the United Kingdom or (ii) investing professionals in the meaning of Art. 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 as amended (&ldquo|the Order&rdquo|) or (iii) companies with high value of net assets and other persons to whom it may legally be delivered pursuant to Art. 49(2)(a)-(d) of the Order (such persons are hereinafter jointly referred to as &ldquo|the Relevant Persons&rdquo|). A person other than a Relevant Person may not act based on the report herein or based on any part thereof or refer thereto. All investments or investing activities referred to herein may and shall only be performed or conducted out by Relevant Persons.In all Member States of the European Economic Area having implemented Directive 2003/71/EC (including all implementing regulations of any Member State, "Prospectus Directive"), this report is only addressed to and designated for investors qualified in a given Member State in the meaning of the Prospectus Directive. "