Registration of the amendment to the mBank S.A. By-laws

Registration of the amendment to the mBank S.A. By-laws

Current Report |

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The Management Board of mBank S.A. (hereinafter the "|Bank"|), announces that on 22 July 2014 the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, 12thCommercial Division of the National Court Register, registered the amendments to the By-laws of the Bank resulting from resolution no. 26 adopted by the 27th Annual General Meeting of mBank S.A. of 31 March 2014.

Below please find detailed information about the amendments made as a result of the registration of amendments to the Bank's By-laws:

1. Article 6 sections 1 points 15 and 16 shall read as follows:

"|15) issuing payment instruments, including payment cards and performing operations using such cards. 16) issuing electronic money."|

2. Article 6 section 2 point 14 shall read as follows:

"|14) acting as paying agent,"|

3. Article 8a section 4 shall read as follows:

"|4. Members of the Management Board and Managing Directors may appoint teams and working groups in order to perform ad hoc tasks.

4. Article 27 section 1 point 4 shall read as follows:

"|4) dividing powers among Members of the Management Board and their subordinate Managing Directors, on the basis of a resolution of the Management Board| however no resolution in this respect can be passed without the consent of the President of the Management Board| information on the division of powers among the Members of the Management Board and their subordinate Managing Directors and any changes in this respect is forwarded forthwith to the Executive Committee of the Supervisory Board."|

5. Article 30b section 1 shall read as follows:

"|1. The Bank&rsquo|s internal regulations are issued in the form of:

a) policies - by standing committees appointed on the basis of Article 8a(3), by the Management Board or the Management Board and the Supervisory Board,
b) orders &ndash| by the President of the Management Board|
c) circular letters - by the Members of the Management Board, Managing Directors or directors of the Bank's organisational units,
d) organisational rules of the Bank's organisational units - by Members of the Management Board or Managing Directors,
e) work procedures - by the Members of the Management Board, Managing Directors or directors of the Bank's organisational units."|

6. Article 34 has been amended as follows:

"|Article 34 The share capital amounts to PLN 168,702,232 (one hundred sixty-eight million seven hundred two thousand two hundred thirty-two) and is divided into 42,175,558 (forty-two million one hundred seventy-five thousand five hundred fifty-eight) registered and bearer shares with a nominal value of PLN 4 (four) per share."|


Deputy Director of the Compliance Department

Maciej Mołdawa 22.07.2014 |


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