mBank CompanyNet
Become our client and manage your company’s finances conveniently.
what makes mBank CompanyNet special
Customise the system according to your needs. Decide what information you want to see on the dashboard and arrange it in any way you wish. The system will also show you pending tasks.
intuitive design
Key information is always easy to find. The system’s user interface is simple and consistent, ensuring that users can accomplish their daily tasks quickly.
Create your own order templates and shortcuts to the most frequently performed operations to make your work in the system faster and more efficient.
benefits of mBank CompanyNet
security in mBank CompanyNet
encrypted connection
Data exchanged between your device and the bank is encrypted using the TLS (128-bit key) protocol.
secure login
When logging in to the system, we will ask you to authorise the login with mobile authorisation, a token, a QR token, or a certificate.
automatic logout
You will be automatically logged out from the app after 5 minutes of inactivity.
identity confirmation
We require user identity confirmation whenever new users are added to mBank CompanyNet or when their personal data changes.
encrypted connection
Data exchanged between your device and the bank is encrypted using the TLS (128-bit key) protocol.
secure login
When logging in to the system, we will ask you to authorise the login with mobile authorisation, a token, a QR token, or a certificate.
automatic logout
You will be automatically logged out from the app after 5 minutes of inactivity.
identity confirmation
We require user identity confirmation whenever new users are added to mBank CompanyNet or when their personal data changes.
encrypted connection
Data exchanged between your device and the bank is encrypted using the TLS (128-bit key) protocol.
secure login
When logging in to the system, we will ask you to authorise the login with mobile authorisation, a token, a QR token, or a certificate.
automatic logout
You will be automatically logged out from the app after 5 minutes of inactivity.
identity confirmation
We require user identity confirmation whenever new users are added to mBank CompanyNet or when their personal data changes.
mBank CompanyMobile
Use mobile banking wherever you are. With the mBank CompanyMobile app, you can:
access your company accounts on your phone,
authorise orders placed in mBank CompanyNet and logins to the system with mobile authorisation.